Explore More About Lov N'
Care Training Programs

Lov N’ Care Training Programs INC. is a humanitarian organization that helps anyone who wants to do childcare in a safe learning home environment. We offer free training to all, especially to seniors. With Love N’ Care Training Programs, INC., you will learn Business setup, nutrition, hygiene, safety, health, pre-school activities and licensing. Through all of these trainings you will learn to implement family values. This is an imperative development for children ranging from infant to 3 years of age, so that they can grow up to be happy and healthy individuals. Family values cannot be developed in a childcare center; They can only be developed in a home environment setting.

24 Hours Childcare Network

Lov N’ Care Training Programs knows that a 24 Hours childcare Provider Network is highly needed for families in the low-income areas. Families in low-income areas are working shift work. They experience poverty and some work two jobs. They are grateful when they know they have childcare for their children. They become more productive at work when they know their children are well taken care of.

We recommend that seniors get a license for 24 hours childcare. They can take care of one or two children during the day and one or two children at night. Since seniors are on a tight budget with social security, the extra money would help them to become self-sufficient and live happy lives. Childcare is very critical in this nation. It’s highly needed everywhere.